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UPDATE 4/08/2016 :

Aqui fica o post release do que foi o evento:

The first European conference dedicated to e-cig market regulation issues (TPD)

On July 29, 2016, the Netherlands hosted the first ever B2B conference,VAPESHOW Amsterdam, dedicated to e-cig market regulation on the global stage.

The event brought together market players, owners of vape business in German, Great Britain, The Caribbean, France and Italy.

The conference focused on electronic cigarette market regulatory matters in terms of TPD:
 The current e-cigarette market situation and potential growth across the EU;
 TPD and Basic Business Building Practices;
 Addressing the fact vs fiction of the science of e-cigarettes;
 The start of the category thru litigation USA and EU. E-cig and vapor category as a tobacco product. The future of the category past 2017
 TPD in the UK;
 Legislation and rights of vape business;
 Lessons to be Learned from the United States’ War on Vaping.

Speakers included leading experts of European and world vaping: Ray Story, Dan Irwin-Brown,Chris Dodge, Prof. Pasquale Caponnetto, Norm Bour, Michael Young, Ron Tully, Gregory J.Conley, AaronBiebert.

Within the conference, Ray Story, the member of the working team on implementing TPD in the EU countries and founder of Tobacco Vapor Electronic Cigarette Association, said:

“At this very stage, vape business representatives should take the initiative in vaping legislative
regulation in Europe, accept the fact that electronic cigarettes will be equated to tobacco products
and establish their own business on that basis. It’s not the most pleasant way but there’s no

According to statistics provided by Dan Irwin-Brown, EU/International markets analyst at ECigIntelligence, the e-cig market is the most developed in North America where the amount of vapers is 57%. Europe is in the second place with 33% of vapers. They are followed by Asian countries – 7%.

Experts also told about the current vape market situation in the EU after antismoking TPD becoming effective.

Vê ou faz Download do ficheiro Post Release do Evento

Podem também ver as fotos da conferencia aqui:

foto_itogi_konfekrentsii_amsterdam_2016_1470229023003_image 14701382453484_image foto_itogi_konfekrentsii_amsterdam_2016_14702290235653_image


Podem ver várias outras aqui


Boas vapers.

Aqui fica um anuncio de uma mais recente parceria do vaper.eu 🙂 , nada mais nada menos que as Vapexpo na Europa , organizada por a Smileexpo , o vaper.eu neste momento já é sponsor na Vapexpo Holanda e na Vapexpo Republica Checa!

Este evento na Holanda será virado para conferencias. membros profissionais , lojas, fabricantes , tudo com intuito de debater a TPD e o futuro do vaping, ao invés da expo Checa que vai ser mais virada para produtos e conhecer as marcas, mas essa fica para outro post..


Podem também encontrar já ambos os links das expos em formato banner no fim da Home page do vaper.eu ao canto direito , aqui fica o da Vape Show Amesterdão:


E aqui fica a press release (no final da pagina podem fazer download dos 2 ficheiros (.doc e .pdf) :

VapeShow_Amster_688x501 (1)

1st International E-cigarette Conference on legal regulation (TPD)
July 29, 2016 Amsterdam will host the first international conference in the EU dedicated to legal regulation of vape market regarding the entry into force of the EU directive on May 20, 2016.
VapeShowAmsterdam is a B2B Conference, where key players of the global e-cig market, owners of large businesses (vape shops, vape bars), members of professional associations are going to discuss how vape industry can survive under tough regulations, as well as share their experience in successful business development.
Key points of the conference
– Latest legislative changes and requirement toughening within the European Union regarding vape industry;
– Features of the implementation of the EU Directive requirements in different countries of the EU (it is no secret that EU countries have different approach to the interpretation and execution of the TPD);
– Development and optimization of vape business using the best international practices;
– How to develop vape business on the local market: strategy and implementation;
– New opportunities for products promotion on the European and world markets;
– Analysis of the global and regional markets.
The conference is aimed at the development of business relations and contacts between key players of the electronic cigarette market.
You can find more information about the event program at our website: https://vapeshow.nl
When: 29 July 2016
Where: Amsterdam, the Netherlands
Organized by Smile-Expo Company


Attention to everyone who is planning to develop vape business in Europe

July 29 Amsterdam will host B2B conference fully dedicated to vaping.

As you know, TDP was adopted on 20 May 2016, restricting the rights of EU vapers. That is why Smile-Expo has decided to organize a conference to discuss the issue and address the challenges faced by many investors and vape business owners.

Co-organizer of the conference is Armango, the company that deals with popularization of vaping in the CIS countries and Europe for five years. It fights for the rights of EU vapers and owns a chain of vape shops – JOYESHOP. The company is also an official distributor of the world famous manufacturers of vape devices (such as Tesla and Joyetech).

Due to the fact that Armango became the co-organizer of the conference in Amsterdam, we provide a special offer for companies that are members of vape associations and organizations from all over the world: possibility to get special price for participation in the event – 200 EUR!

In order to get special ticket for the conference you need to register on the website: https://vapeshow.nl/en/registration and enter a promo code – Conference.Media200 that will allow you to visit the event at a discount.

More information may be provided by ticket sales managers: https://vapeshow.nl/en/contacts.

Boas vaporadas !


Press Release

Attention to everyone who is planning to develop vape business in Europe


8 Responses

    • Roca_PT

      Pois tu de facto é um pouco difícil..mas vão haver muitas mais oportunidades BV 🙂 !

      VN:R_U [1.9.22_1171]
      0 people found this helpful

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